Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Nanna, how to make the baby sleep

We asked some industry experts, each with different abilities and professionalism. The answers, sometimes conflicting with each other, make us understand that there is 'THE' absolute best method for sleeping and that it is right that every family adopt techniques that feels more congenial for themselves and their child.

You can teach children to make the bed? But above all, it is fair to expect that a child from the first months 'learn' to make the bed? And what is the best way to get him to sleep (or back to sleep) in the evening or during the night?

We asked the opinion of some experts in the field, each with different abilities and professionalism, and the answers, sometimes conflicting with each other, make us realize that there is no 'THE' absolute best method and it is right that every family adopt techniques that feels more congenial for themselves and their child.

Riccardo Davanzo, neonatologist at the hospital Burlo Garofolo of Trieste, he stresses, in particular, that the newborns, especially if they are breastfed , have different needs and rhythms dictated by the feedings, but also by the legitimate need for reassurance and comfort from her mother : why can wake up numerous times during the night and it is impossible to try to 'educate' to make the bed.

And then every family has its own organization and its habits and it is right that individuals practice that reconciles the needs of the small ones with mom and dad. Sure, a little 'time you will find a nice routine to be put in place before you go to bed : the important thing is that the child willingly accepts, otherwise it can only generate anxiety and anger.

A little 'different thesis Luigi Ferini Wacky , director of the Sleep Center at the Institute San Raffaele in Milan, who believes it is essential to set the rules from the start : if it is right to identify the positive rituals to accompany the sleep, it is also fair that the child gets used to sleeping in his crib. And if he wakes up, we must minimize the intervention comforting. Only then can gain confidence in their ability to fall asleep by himself.

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