Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Sex during pregnancy

It's good mood and ready for the birth because it keeps the pelvic muscles elastic and trained. And do not worry: the infant does not suffer. The cases in which it is better to be cautious.

If there are no medical contraindications (see box below), having sex in pregnancy is good. For at least two reasons: it is good mood of the prospective parents and preparing for childbirth because it keeps the pelvic muscles elastic and trained. And fear not: the child will not suffer for sure.

The cases in which it is better not to risk 

  • if the uterine mouth opens in advance. By itself is not a danger, however, in the case of sexual intercourse can have infections that damage the bag of waters. And this can cause a miscarriage or lead to a premature birth;
  • if you have already had abortions;
  • in the case of loss of blood;
  • in the case of premature labor announcing a premature birth;
  • in the case of placenta previous (implantation of the placenta above or in the vicinity of the orifice uterine internal);
  • in the case of multiple pregnancy;
  • in the case of chronic diseases such as diabetes;
  • in the case of infections of the genital tract of him or her.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Menstrual cycle, learn to know

Knowing how your cycle is critical to understanding their fertility. You must be able to understand what's going on in your body, interpreting the signals and working in harmony with the natural rhythms.

  • Ovulation occurs AROUND THE 14th DAY (SHORT CYCLE 12th) 
Most women are not interested in the menstrual cycle until they decide to have a child. And they are right: to understand what happens in your body is the key to understanding his own. Here are the basics.

What is the menstrual cycle? And 'the set of mechanisms that lead to ovulation the woman, or the maturation of the egg cell (leukocyte). And 'under the control of the pituitary (a gland located at the base of the brain that produce the hormones needed to ovulation) and the hypothalamus (which is also located in the brain, regulates the production of hormones by the pituitary).
  • How long is the menstrual cycle? starts on the first day of menstruation and lasts about 26-28 days. The flow can last 3:00 to 6:00 days.
  • What The menstrual cycle can be divided into two phases:
Funicular. begins the second day of menstruation and is so called because the follicles are activated to mature the leukocyte, is to provide for the synthesis of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) necessary to replenish the econometric (the tissue that lines the uterine cavity, expelled with previous periods).
This process ends around the 14th day, when usually you have ovulation (the women with the shortest cycle ovulating around the 12th day). The follicle opens and the egg descends into the Fallopian tube: this is the most fertile period of the female cycle that lasts about two days. Calculates your fertile days with ovulation calendar online! 
Consider, however, that a sperm can survive in the female body up to four days , and even a sexual relationship occurred three or four days before ovulation can lead to fertilization. Also do not forget the duration of the cycle varies from woman to woman, so it is said that ovulation always occurs on the 14th day .

Saturday, 27 July 2013

2 weeks at birth, sleeping problems

When it's time to go to bed begin thoughts on the birth, life with the child and what you will do in the coming weeks. Any recommendations for good sleep.

When they go to sleep many women are overwhelmed by a flurry of thoughts: the birth, life with the child and what they need to do in the coming weeks. Now it has become very difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. The belly is heavy and bulky, and every time you change the side you have to resettle, and often your favorite places to sleep are no longer possible.
Pregnant women should not stay long in the supine position because it hinders blood flow and thus the circulation. The better the location on its side, putting a pillow under the knee placed higher. In recent weeks, also a strong urge to pee will help to keep you awake.

Tips for sleeping well

  • Do not think your fears: listening to music, knit, read a book or watch a good movie.
  • A walk before going to bed will relax and lull the baby to go to sleep.
  • Take a hot bath. The essences such as lavender, rose or sandalwood added to the water, in addition to perfume, you will relax.
  • Relaxation exercises and breathing during childbirth preparation will help you get to sleep.
  • In a spacious bed and full of pillows that will support the belly, you sleep better.
  • Drink herbal tea before going to sleep, those are fine "goodnight" to be found in health food stores. Even hops, lemon balm and valerian are effective aids to get to sleep. Avoid, however, the tincture of valerian because it contains 63% alcohol. Sometimes doctors prescribe magnesium tablets or preparations of calcium, which relax the muscles.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Lactation, prepared before giving birth

There are few months to childbirth but already think allatterai breastfeeding your baby? Do not delay, start to prepare! How? Reading the advice of the expert, will be useful when you go to the hospital to give birth. Why were the early days with the baby are really valuable for the success of breastfeeding.

The advice and information on how to prepare for breastfeeding have been developed with the help Paola Paschetto professional counselor Lactation (IBCLC, International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners ).

Ask the hospital if they practice rooming in. Rooming-in means that the child is left in the room with her ​​mother for the duration of hospital stay. Now more and more widespread, but not all hospitals are able to guarantee it, often for organizational reasons, and so the child spends most of the day in the nursery and is brought to the mother only at scheduled times for feedings. Here's a list of the Baby-Friendly Hospitals.

The child must be able to attach to the breast when he wants to. Especially in the first days of life, and then when it is still in the hospital, the child must be able to attach to the breast as often as you want and not on a schedule. In the early days, in fact, the baby is also 10-12 feedings during the day, either by hunger, thirst for you, you just want to be comforted by the mother's womb. Establish strict schedules for feedings not only meets the needs of the child, but does not stimulate milk production.
If it is not practiced rooming-in and the baby is in the nursery between feedings and the other to appease its eventual crying probably be given small amounts of formula or glucose solution. Already in the hospital, you have to give additions, infant formula or other liquids, unless absolutely necessary. For the success of exclusive breastfeeding, it is important not to give the baby other additions, for two main reasons:
  • only if it is attached to the breast, the child learns the correct rules of sucking and it is not distracted from teats or pacifiers, involving a technique of sucking different and are likely to 'confuse';
  • the more the baby attaches to the breast, the more it stimulates the production of milk, it is shown that the arrival of the milk supply can also anticipate 12-24 hours if there are no 'distractions' external. If the dates are added at the moment of feeding the baby will have less hunger and less stimulate milk production.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Pregnancy, spots on the face

The spots are one of the most typical imperfections of pregnancy, not for nothing they deserved a special name: chloasma gravidarum. How to prevent them and how to delete them, the advice of dermatologist

The name 'official' spots on the face in pregnancy is chloasma gravidarum. Typical home of their appearance is the face, with a symmetrical and bilateral on the nose and cheeks, which also earned him the 'cute' nickname mask of pregnancy.

Why are stains on the face in pregnancy

On the one hand there is a genetic predisposition, which he sees as 'favorite' women with darker complexion, on the other hand there is a correlation with the hormonal changes of pregnancy, "so at some point, for reasons not yet well understood, melanocytic cells 'crazy' and begin to produce more melanin own in certain areas - says Angelo Marzano, Medical Director at the Dermatology Clinic of the University of Milan -. What is certain is that exposure to the sun can be a major causative factor, even more so because it stimulates the accumulation of melanin, which is the same substance that also produces the tan. "

How to prevent the appearance of spots in pregnancy
Not being able to act on either the genetic component of the hormonal nor is mainly on exposure to the sun as it plays a large part of the prevention of chloasma gravidarum. The sun in moderation. anything for this year 'sunbathing': a tan will always taken in moderation and always adequately screened with a cream or very high protection 'total block', well aware, however, that no cream is able to Escherichia 100% from UV rays and even if there smear a whole tube can not stay in the sun for 8 hours straight! A cream with sunscreens should be applied even in winter, especially if you have a dark skin type before pregnancy spots have appeared that have foreshadowed the imperfection of being prepared.
"Other prevention rules there are none, as there are no really effective creams to lighten those which begin to appear - says Marzano - only at a preventive level, it may be useful to apply cosmetics containing vitamin C, kojic acid, phytic acid, arbutin , glycyrrhetinic acid, which have a slight depigmenting action because they inhibit tyrosinase, an enzyme that contributes to the synthesis of melanin.
To eliminate the melanin surface and make it smooth the complexion, in addition, once a week is good practice to do a facial with an exfoliating product, to be massaged for a few minutes to clean, damp skin and rinse with warm water. "

How to remove stains on the face

Immediately after birth are less hormonal fluctuations of nine months and often stains possibly extras tend to fade or even disappear. If, however, even after the end of lactation the blemish is still evident, as 'delete'?
"We must say that the spots, which are caused by chloasma or melasma, blemishes are one of the most difficult to resolve," says the dermatologist, "and even with medical treatments you may not have the certainty of ultimate elimination." But you can groped. All bleaching treatments can be carried out only during the winter months because they are not compatible with sun exposure.
Galenic treatments . Treatments are prescribed by a dermatologist and prepared in a pharmacy-based azelaic acid, retinoic acid, hydroquinone, which have a marked depigmenting action. Needless to instead apply simple cosmetics, which have a merely superficial.
Chemical peels. Utilize cocktail of substances that induce a marked desquamation of the superficial layers of the skin, which eliminates the part of blotchy skin and stimulates cell renewal. Can only be performed by a dermatologist or cosmetic physician. The laser. emits a light wave that hits the dark pigment. "Better to avoid it, because, if used improperly, it could even worsen the blemish, especially on darker skin, with permanent damage," says dermatologist.
The chloasma melasma should not be confused with the
Often used interchangeably, in reality they are two different problems. "Both result in the appearance of dark spots on the face and both are caused by female hormonal production and recognize a genetic predisposition, but they are not the same thing," says Marzano.
The chloasma is a blemish that can only occur in pregnancy , unlike the melasma that may occur in every period of life, even at a young age. Such as chloasma, melasma mainly affects the face, but has a more irregular distribution, can appear on one side than on another, with patches more intense and less intense.
The risk factors of melasma are represented by birth control pills, use of antibiotics, as thyroid disease, the use of certain local products such as scented creams that cause a photoallergic reaction, while the chloasma is only related to the pregnancy . Both for the chloasma melasma that a risk factor is the causative exposure to UV rays, which urges the melanocytic system and leads to an accumulation of melanin.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, while the chloasma, being linked to the hormonal changes of the nine months, he has a good chance of uncontroversial after childbirth, melasma is extremely durable, and so may be built up in summer, in winter subsides, when it decreases the stress of the UV rays, but stubbornly reappears in the summer.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

First birth with cesarean section

After a cesarean delivery for the first child can be a natural birth for the second? 6-7 of 10 women make it. The gynecologist Stefano Bianchi explains how you can give birth naturally after a first C-section.

Stefano Bianchi, Director of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital San Giuseppe di Milano and associate professor at the University of Milan explains how you can give birth naturally after a first C-section. If you have done a section for your firstborn, you can groped natural ways with the second."You can do the so-called trial of labor - says the gynecologist - trying to give birth to the baby by natural means. Statistics show that out of 10 women who try to give birth naturally after a C-section, do make it 6-7.

The candidates, however, must be selected carefully: if there are or occur again the conditions that led to the first res-ponders, the use of the scalpel is inevitable. Otherwise you risk an emergency C-section that could be even more problematic. The trial of labor for example, is not recommended when: it appeals to the C-section due to a very small basin; during the first cesarean There were no complications, such as a severe infectious event, which could have resulted in a healing imperfect, if in the second pregnancy the fetus is large or breech occurs or is it twins.
The rupture of the uterus: a low risk, but possible. During the trial of labor, you may experience unexpected events that require a new section. The most feared is the rupture of the uterus: in the area of the scar tissue, being less elastic, it does not withstand the efforts of contractions and can give: it is an emergency situation with serious consequences for both mother and child, which can cause heavy bleeding, requiring blood transfusions and, in extreme cases, removal of the uterus.

Better a hospital Level II. Rupture of the uterus is an occurrence decidedly uncommon (can occur in less than 1% of cases), but if you plan to give birth vaginally after a C-section, it is advisable to contact a senior center to ensure optimal support, for example where there is a ready availability of blood (which is not at all hospitals there!), a surgical team and an anesthesiologist present 24 hours 24, an operating room always available. This shows why they are often the same doctors to recommend a second C-section, especially when operating in birth children.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Waxing during pregnancy

Yes We Can waxing during pregnancy? Yes, you can. I choose not to choose the type cold

Waxing can also be done in pregnancy , but it is best to choose the cold, as it involves a tear that, combined with the heat, it can traumatize the capillaries and bring up televangelists, which are small dilated blood vessels. "A problem favored by the pregnancy itself, when hormones act at the level of the blood vessels and lead to a more widespread suffering, "says Angelo Marzano, Medical Director at the Dermatology Clinic of the University of Milan. "No problem to use the electric depilatory, which eradicates the hair in a manner similar to waxing".

Waxing also on the belly?

Choosing the right wax - perhaps specifically for sensitive skin - waxing can also be done on the belly, because the child does not feel the tear (and even the pain of the tear, lucky him!). Consider, however, that it is a temporary blemish, because postpartum hair on the belly fall by itself.
The razor, a great alternative
A great alternative to waxing in this period is the razor, which does not use chemicals or traumatize the capillaries, just be careful not to cut in an attempt to shave areas that have become difficult to reach with the belly. Directions for use? Always pass the razor very carefully, use disposable razor blades to avoid bacterial contamination and after shaving, apply an emollient cream dermatology.

Depilatory creams: better not

"Best to avoid in pregnancy depilatory creams, which can cause irritation and allergies, although up to now we have not caused any problems, "concludes the dermatologist.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Iodized salt in pregnancy

Women who find themselves pregnant should start using iodized salt because iodine is essential for neurological development of the fetus. The latest findings in a study published in the scientific journal Lancet.Since the beginning of pregnancy must begin to use iodized salt. A is recommending Stefano Bianchi, chief of obstetrics St. Joseph Hospital in Milan and professor at the University of the city of Milan.

"Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the maternal thyroid and for the proper development of the fetal thyroid - White explains in the book on pregnancy from mother to mother. Thyroid hormones are essential for neurological development of the fetus and in particular in the early stages of brain development.

And 'as also confirmed by a study by the University of Surrey, just published in the journal Lancet , which highlights the need for women planning to become pregnant or are discovered waiting for a child to assume an appropriate amount of iodine from food , but without the extras that could lead to an overdose. Iodine deficiency in pregnancy, the study argues, can result in a slowdown of mental development of the unborn child, which lasts until at least ten years of life.

The researchers analyzed the urine of more than a thousand mothers by determining the concentration of iodine, and dividing them according to the instructions of WHO among those with an optimal value, greater than 150 micrograms per gram, and those with a deficiency, below this threshold. The children of the women surveyed were subjected to an IQ test to eight years and reading to nine.

"Children born to women with iodine deficiency - the authors write - were significantly more likely to have other scores below average, and once broken the group we have verified that the lower the concentration was lower the average scores obtained by children" .

Saturday, 20 July 2013

True and false start on techniques for childbirth

Do the cleaning of the house, drinking castor oil, go up and down the stairs, take a nice hot bath or to wait for the full moon: the end of pregnancy expectant mothers feel give an infinite number of tips to make start contractions. Which have their foundation? Which ones are just rumors? Find out now.

The end of pregnancy is approaching and the belly starts to become a bit 'too cumbersome. 's that it makes you think there will be some method to speed up and facilitate the delivery? Let's see what's founded with the help of Mary Vicario, Coordinator of Technical and practical teaching and Internship Bachelor of Science in Midwifery at the Second University of Naples.

"On this issue the rumors do not count" begins the midwife: "some derive from tradition, others are spread by word of mouth, but only a few have a scientific foundation. In any case it is a must start by saying that any technique could be adopted only if the pregnancy comes to an end, and that is if it's been 41settimane and 3 days.

Not for nothing, according to national guidelines, before this age should not be adopted any procedure except at the specific clinical indication. It is true that pregnancy is considered completed as early as the fulfillment of the 37th week, but it may be that the baby is still in need of a few weeks and we can not be the ones to drive the program or our labor, the launch of which is determined by a perfect balance of hormones."In other words: when the fruit is ripe, it falls by itself and there is no need to remove it from the branch still immature. But when it is ripe, we can give a 'help'?

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Fetal DNA tests

It is a new examination of prenatal diagnosis and consists of a simple blood to the mother. Need to know if the fetus is affected by chromosomal disorders, including Down syndrome. The examination provides an accuracy greater than 99%, but for now you can only run privately and cost approaches to € 1,000.

The test of fetal DNA in maternal blood is performed at 12-14 weeks and need to know if the fetus is affected by the most frequent chromosomal disorders, including Down syndrome. Its main advantage is that it is a non-invasive, so it risky for mother and baby, but for the moment can not replace chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis , which allow more extensive research. Also you can only perform at private gynecologists and the cost, which often comes close to 1,000 euro, is the sole responsibility of the patient.

How does the test of fetal DNA

The test is to analyze the amount of fetal DNA present in maternal blood. "We know from a decade that maternal cells are present in the blood of the fetus, or rather of the placenta, which contains the same genetic makeup of the fetus - Faustina said Lalatta, Head of Medical Genetics at the Mangiagalli Clinic of Milan. - About a year and a half, thanks to sophisticated equipment, the company is able to isolate this DNA (so as not to confuse it with the maternal) and replicate in the laboratory, to obtain a sufficient quantity to analyze it."

What allows you to discover the DNA tests

"Just because of the technology needed to isolate and study the fetal DNA in the mother's blood" Lalatta continues, "for the moment it was decided to use it only to analyze the three most common chromosomal disorders, namely Down syndrome ( or trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) and Palau (trisomy 13) ", respectively, going to study DNA segments corresponding to chromosome 21, 18 and 13 of the genetic heritage of the child."

When and how to conduct the examination of the fetal DNA

The expectant mother undergoes a simple drawing of a blood sample, which is sent to the laboratory for analysis. The outcome occurs after two weeks. The ideal time is between 12 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Not before, because the amount of DNA present in the blood may not be enough for the investigation, not after, otherwise you will lose the advantage of the precocity of the survey.

Reliability that offers DNA testing

The examination provides a reliability than 99%. False positives are very rare, less than 1%. "However, because it is a very recent examination, scientific societies recommend that you confirm any positive outcome (pathological) by undergoing a traditional examination, amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, before evaluating a possible interruption of pregnancy" says Faustina Lalatta. "False negatives are possible, although rare, as with all laboratory techniques."