Friday, 24 November 2017

Tricks to facilitate breastfeeding

The Breastfeeding is a time you can live with pleasure and create a very special bond with your baby. However, there are women who, due to lack of information or bad practice, live with anguish and pain and this leads them to abandon breastfeeding. Breastfeeding does not have to hurt, nor cause any discomfort if done correctly. Breast milk has many benefits for mom and baby, so it is convenient to know some tricks to facilitate breastfeeding .

Tips and ideas to facilitate breastfeeding

Once spent the first moments in breastfeeding you will feel more confident and calm at the time of breastfeeding the baby. Try to create a relaxed space where both enjoy the moment . The hospital or a house full of people orienting you in what you have to do will only contribute to getting more nervous. There are other tricks to facilitate breastfeeding that can also help you:

Avoid cracks and mastitis : in most cases the pain when breastfeeding is caused by poor posture or poor grip of the baby . If the baby has a good position and performs a correct suction, grasping the entire nipple with his mouth, it should not even hurt if you have a crack.

Breast liners : some women resort to the use of liners to avoid discomfort, but they are not recommended as it shortens the duration of breastfeeding and are uncomfortable for the baby.

The duration of the shots : each baby and each mother need a different time, and also, this varies according to the age of the baby. Newborns take longer to suckle, while babies who are already a few weeks old are able to take a shot between 5 and 15 minutes. In general pediatricians recommend not to be more than 20 minutes since the baby ends up using the nipple as a pacifier and falls asleep, so he stops sucking.

Awaken the baby if it falls asleep to the breast : if your child tends to use the breast as a pacifier and falls asleep, you can use a simple trick to continue breastfeeding. It is about scratching the soles of his feet to wake him up. Babies do not like this feeling very much and it wakes them up to keep sucking.

Position of the baby : the physical contact between both and the comfort is fundamental for a good grip. A good position would be one in which the baby's is in contact with yours and its body forms a straight line with the head. Your mouth has to grab the entire areola, not just the nipple, to avoid damage and cracks.

One breast in each shot : do not try that in each take by system, the baby sucks from both breasts. It is better to empty a breast completely and, if you are still hungry, offer the other. You will notice that the chest is already empty because the tension in the breast has decreased considerably and the baby is released because there is no more milk. If you took one breast, in the next shot, offer it to the other to avoid accumulation of milk. To remember what was the breast of the last shot, there are tricks of breastfeeding such as tying in the bra strap or lighting a safety pin.

Hygiene in breastfeeding : you do not have to wash your breast before and after each feeding . A trick that many mothers use during breastfeeding is to use the last drop of milk spreading it on the nipple to act as a protector for the nipple and thus prevent it from cracking, so it is best to let it dry in the air. With a daily shower is enough to observe good hygiene. If you use breastfeeding discs, change them often.

Save milk for another time : if you have too much tension in your breasts or you are forced to skip a shot, you can use a breast pump and keep in the refrigerator the surplus for 2 or 3 days and freezer 3 months.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Common Sexual Problems In Women

When mentioning the word "frigidity" many women still scared us, because not being able to enjoy sex was seen before in a derogatory way. Fortunately that idea has changed and today it is called "Female Sexual Dysfunction". It refers to a set of 4 sexual problems quite common in women and of which there is no reason to be ashamed.

What we earlier disparagingly called "frigidity" is now called "Female Sexual Dysfunction." An important name change, because it means that sexual problems are no longer associated with personal defects of women, but that they talk about something that is not working properly in the body and that can have both physical and psychological causes.

Common sexual problems in women

Female Sexual Dysfunction covers 4 common sexual problems of women. And I say common because they happen to 4 out of 10 women at some time in life. Which are?

1. Low sexual desire or total rejection (sexual desire disorder)
2. Difficulty getting aroused (sexual arousal disorder)
3. Pain during intercourse (sexual pain disorder or Dyspareunia )
4. Problems having an orgasm ( orgasm disorder or Anorgasmia)

Although some of these sexual problems can occur early in life, they also happen to women who previously had a totally pleasurable sexual life. If they are happening to you, there is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, it is best to recognize it and identify its causes in time to solve it soon and thus return to enjoy your sexuality fully.

You do not believe it, but the stress, the worries, the anxiety, the depression, the low self-esteem, the problems of couple or the traumas of the past, can interfere enough with your sexuality. So that your body is available for sexual intercourse and you can enjoy it, your mind must also be willing. And if it is not, if you have your head in another thought or you are distressed, everything will be more difficult. You will not get excited in the same way, it is likely that you do not even feel desires for your partner, do not lubricate properly and penetration can hurt you or, what happens to many women, you can not have an orgasm.

Physical or medical causes of sexual problems in women

But the causes are not only in your mind. Several recent studies confirm that many sexual problems also have physical causes, be it small health complications or chronic diseases, such as

* Hormonal changes related to menopause : before and during menopause, your body undergoes important hormonal transformations and stops producing estrogen. This can reduce your sexual desire and cause vaginal dryness.
* Vaginal irritation: can be caused by lack of lubrication , some infection or allergic reactions to the material of certain contraceptives such as condoms, spermicides, diaphragm or intrauterine device (IUD)
* Infections in the vagina or urinary tract
* Some Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
* Vaginismus: when you involuntarily contract the muscles of the vagina, preventing penetration. This may be due to fears, sexual traumas of the past, or tension.
* Medications such as antihistamines, antihypertensives (to lower blood pressure), antidepressants or chemotherapy treatments , can reduce your desire and your vaginal lubrication, or even prevent you from reaching an orgasm
* Diseases: Diabetes , arthritis, or degenerative neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, can cause sexual problems
* The abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs also affect your sexual desire

If you have problems with sexual dysfunction, consult your doctor. If a physical cause is ruled out (since there are several treatments for them once they are identified), he or she could recommend you to an individual or couple therapist . Sexuality is an important part of life, it is worthwhile to enjoy it.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The growth of the baby in the womb

Intrauterine growth is a fundamental stage of life since many factors at this time can condition all future growth. The growth of the baby in the womb includes two periods: embryogenic and fetal growth.

The growth and development of the future baby are characterized by an increase in size, an increasing structural complexity and the maturation of functions. How can we know if it is growing properly in the uterus?

We know that through ultrasound during pregnancy the approximate weight of the baby is estimated based on the measurements of three parameters: the abdominal circumference, the perimeter of the head and the length of the femur.

In addition, based on averages, there are calendars to know weight and measures during pregnancy and formulas to calculate fetal weight according to the week of gestation.

Thanks to these estimates and measurements through ultrasound we can know if the fetus develops according to their gestational age, or if it will be more or less large, that is, to know more about the growth of the baby in the womb , in its different stages, about which we talk in detail below.

The development of the embryo

Recall that embryogenesis is the complex generative process that leads to the formation of a multicellular organism, plant or animal, from the zygote.

Human embryogenesis is defined as the process that begins after the fertilization of the gametes to give rise to the embryo, in the first stages of development of multicellular living beings. In the human being, this process lasts about eight weeks, at which point the product of conception finishes its first stage of development and becomes known as a fetus.

From the fourth week, the embryo begins to develop the vestiges of the future organs and apparatuses, and in this stage it is very sensitive. A phase of frantic growth begins that lasts another month, during which all the organs, systems and devices of the future adult organism are outlined.

During the period of embryonic development the different organs of the future fetus are formed and characterized by an increase in the number of cells (it grows almost exclusively by hyperplasia, that is, the increase in size of an organ or of a tissue because its cells have increased in number).

The growth of the fetus

In the period of fetal growth, there is an intermediate phase of hyperplasia and hypertrophy, with an increase in cell size and a decrease in the mitotic index or cell division. Hypertrophy is the increase in the size of an organ when it is due to the correlative increase in the size of the cells that form it ( the organ has larger cells , and not new ones). It is distinguished from hyperplasia, in which case an organ grows by increasing the number of cells, not by a larger size of the cells.

The growth curve is characterized by a progressive increase in the speed of growth in length, which reaches its maximum approximately at week 18, while the maximum increase in weight takes place towards the final weeks of pregnancy.

In the final stretch of pregnancy the baby grows at an accelerated pace, increasing weight between 200 and 300 grams per week. In the last stage of pregnancy, organs and tissues are already formed, and there is an accumulation of fat under the delicate skin, which will help you to better regulate your body temperature when you are born.

At the beginning of the week 35 weighs about 2'400 kilos and measures 47 cm, although at this height there may be a large difference in size between different babies. In week 38 the estimated measurements of the baby are 50 centimeters and 3'200 kilos. In week 40 the baby measures 52 centimeters from the head to the feet and weighs about 3,400 kilos.

Of course, these are approximate average measures, and it will not be until it is born when we know how much the baby is measuring. Even the latest ultrasounds that estimate the fetus's measurements can be wrong .

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Healthy infant feeding: ideas to improve the nutrition of children

Healthy infant feeding is not synonymous with boring meals for the children of the house. Following some guidelines on quantities and type of food and combining them correctly we can put on the table healthy recipes for attractive and tasty children with which to promote healthy habits and avoid childhood obesity .

A job that starts at home

Childhood is the best time to acquire healthy eating patterns that can last a lifetime. In this way we will not only be giving our children the doses of proteins, hydrates, fats, vitamins or minerals that they need for their normal growth, but we will also be teaching them healthy habits very beneficial for them in the future. On the other hand the healthy habits related to feeding children starting with their own parents, who become model. Some ideas that can help us set in motion other infant feeding habits are:

1.Make healthy decisions about the menus of the whole family and consult the kids about them.
2.Make the most appetizing and attractive foods with condiments and sauces nutritionally enhanced.
3.Search cooking recipes for children in which they can participate.
4.Establish a relatively predictable meal schedule .
5.Try to turn the meal into a positive and pleasant time to talk.
6.Enjoying company can help us set in motion other healthy infant feeding habits.

Address the needs of each child according to their age and development

For example children of 2 or 3 years of age need between 1,000 and 1,400 daily calories of which half must be carbohydrates , between 30-40% of fats and the rest proteins. After four years they need half carbohydrates, a quarter of fat and compensate the diet with more protein. Between 4 and 8 years the contribution should be between 1,200 and 2,000 daily calories.

 Take fruits and vegetables daily

Offering children three or four servings of dairy products a day and giving them two moderate doses of meat or fish will allow us to cover their needs for vitamins, proteins and calcium every day.

Meals with food of all groups

Schedule a diet that includes food from all groups without abusing any of them. One of the bases of child nutrition is balance . There are no bad foods but a frequency of consumption or inadequate quantity.

Do not skip any food

This means promoting complete breakfasts  and healthy snacks with fruits, cereals and dairy as protagonists.

Take care of hydration

Hydration is the key to having a healthy infant diet . It is recommended that children drink enough water and limit the amount of sweet liquids such as sodas, fruit juices and sports drinks. Soft drinks should be reserved for special moments , eliminate those who have caffeine from the children's diet and, at any other time of the day, use water to quench their thirst.

Use olive oil both for cooking and eating raw , betting whole carbohydrates (bread, rice or pasta) and not forgetting potatoes and legumes are other aspects to provide the body with the mineral salts and fiber you need and to convert healthy infant feeding in one more characteristic of our family.

Healthy recipes for children: some ideas

Adapting healthy recipes for the little ones is easier if you play with colors, shapes and presentations . For example you can make homemade hamburgers or chicken nuggets in the shape of a star or heart, or turn a stuffed zucchini into a pirate ship.

You can also use sauces such as mayonnaise and  Kids ketchup , nutritionally enhanced to promote healthy infant feeding (no preservatives, dyes, gluten or lactose, and contain less added sugars and less fat).

Child's Health

The health of the child goes beyond the absence of disease since the period from childhood  to adolescence  is so important that it marks the development and quality of life in adulthood. Therefore,  children's health includes their well-being in all aspects, physical, mental, emotional and social.

Also, thanks to advances in the development of increasingly effective drugs that have allowed to reduce death rates from infections, malnutrition and poor hygiene or environmental conditions, the concept of health imply more than not being sick.

Pediatrics, discipline dedicated to children's health

It is precisely this branch of medicine that deals with the health of the human being from birth to the end of adolescence, attending to children from a global perspective as an organism information and maturation and as a social being with emotions and Own thoughts.

In this way, to maintain healthy children, Pediatrics considers attention to emotional, educational and even environmental aspects, as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases during childhood and adolescence.

To this end, specialists in this area recommend the health of the child through periodic medical check-ups. Babies should be checked monthly, although as they approach the first year, they usually need to go to the pediatrician less often. In the case of healthy children older than 2 years and up to adolescence, they should go to the doctor's office at least once a year.

This type of medical check-ups is very important for the care of children's health, because through routine exams and explorations it is possible to monitor the development of the child, also they are an excellent opportunity to detect or prevent any anomaly.

Vaccines, protective shield of children's health

A resource undoubtedly indispensable to take care of children's health is immunizations or vaccines, as they help protect against diseases and infections. During periodic medical check-ups the first doses should be administered and throughout the childhood and until adolescence the corresponding reinforcements.

Each country has its own vaccination scheme. However, as of 2004, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC) recommend that childhood vaccines administered after 2 years of age be the following :

1.Hepatitis B (3 doses).
2.Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP) (4 doses).
3.H. influenza e type B (Hib) (4 doses).
4.Inactivated polio (3 doses).
5.Pneumococcal conjugate (3 doses).
6.Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR, for its acronym in English) (1 dose).
7.Chickenpox (1 dose).
8.Hepatitis A (in certain geographical areas and with certain high-risk groups).

It is worth mentioning that in recent years have been added to the recommended vaccine against influenza (not suitable for children under 6 months), as well as the so-called Hexavac, combined immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, H. influenza B and hepatitis B in a single dose.

The vaccines are usually mild and exceptionally cause side effects, serious adverse reactions; however, the benefits greatly outweigh the incidence of health problems as a result of immunization.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Healthy Snacks For Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a stage for overeating with sweets or heavy snacks. Read on to learn how to eat healthy snacks during your pregnancy and thus optimize nutrition. Julie sat down before a large bowl of chocolate chip cookies. His plan was to kill two birds with one stone. Ice cream was an attractive way to meet your daily calcium needs and gave you the extra calories you should ingest for pregnancy. "Now for two," he told himself.
In fact, pregnant women only need about 100 extra calories per day in the first trimester and 300 more per day in the second and third quarters. A single serving of half a cup of good quality ice cream, which is about 250 calories, easily meeting this requirement in a few quick sips. Although it is true that the body has a lot of work to do, pregnancy does not give the freedom to eat unlimited amounts of food or ignore the intake of salt and fat. Weight gain beyond what the doctor suggests may increase the risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. Over time, both your health and that of your baby may be at risk.  

The Art of Eating Healthy Snacks

Most pregnancy guidelines recommend smaller portions, with snacks between meals, instead of three hearty meals a day. As the baby grows, it becomes harder to eat too much at one time. Eating too much can cause gas, heartburn, belching, and upset stomach at any stage of the process. In addition, healthy snacks can help control cravings between meals and provide the extra nutrients you need without committing excesses. However, you must choose wisely. It does not take much food to add 100 to 300 calories a day to your diet. A simple but well-planned snack in the afternoon or evening can represent just the right amount of calories and nutrition.  

Healthy Snacks for Moms-to-

Be Observe the following attractive snack options. They offer a variety of whole grains, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. These foods contain calcium, iron, folic acid and fiber: all are important nutrients during pregnancy, both for the mom and the developing baby.  

Sweets ... how delicious!

1. A toasted whole wheat English muffin smeared with a spoonful of natural peanut butter and a sliced ​​banana
2. A large roasted apple covered with eight halves of walnuts and cinnamon
3. 1 cup chocolate milk and 1 banana
4. 1 cup plain vanilla or cottage cheese with 1 percent fat, with the addition of 1 cup fresh diced fruit and 2 tablespoons walnuts or almonds
5. Fruit smoothie with 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup fresh berries and ¾ cup semi-skimmed vanilla yogurt
6. 1 packet of oats with cinnamon and maple syrup fast cooking, made with skim milk instead of water  

Crunchy Cravings

1. Two large rice and cinnamon biscuits smeared with 1 or 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter
2. A large bowl of bean soup with four whole-grain crackers
3. A large apple cut in slices (with shell) with 10 to 12 flavored rice minimalists
4.1/4 cup hummus , six to eight whole-grain crackers and carrot and celery sticks
5. Eight whole-grain crackers with 2 ounces of lean cheddar cheese and a cup of red or yellow pepper strips 6. Mixed homemade nuts with 20 almonds or cashew nuts, 2 tablespoons raisins and 1 cup whole grain cereal

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Natural Birth Guide

I had the book almost finished when one of my acquaintances asked me for some help in the form of texts, to prepare for natural birth. I needed positive reading, a book that would give him confidence, that would give him security, and I did not hesitate for a moment.
During that time both she and her companions attended about 2,900 babies at the time of birth , and most were born in their houses (often the couples moved to live there during a season) or in the house of childbirths that had created . With a project started in 1971, Ina May explains that "my experiences as a midwife taught me that women's bodies work," and women went there to have a normal vaginal delivery because that was what happened except in one or two of Every hundred births.

In these cases, the women were transferred to the hospitals to have the delivery completed by caesarean section or with the use of an instrument, or to receive epidural analgesia so that the mother could rest a little before the expulsion. But these cases were the least, as they achieved a cesarean rate of 1.4 percent (in Spain we have spent over 20% in the United States and at the same time as the births of La Granja in the US) 32.8%). 

A first part full of normal deliveries

The first part of the book is full of stories of women giving birth there. There are very intense moments, of complicated births, with shoulder dystocias, the babies that come from the face, very big babies, a pair of obstetricians who wanted to see their baby born out of their workspace, And many more; But they are all deliveries explained by women, with their feelings and feelings, which help the reader understand births, understand birth, and even connect with the logical belief that women are fully prepared to give birth to their babies (Do you know that in many countries in Latin America cesarean rates exceed 50% because professionals say that women today are not capable of giving birth?).

 A second part full of knowledge and evidence
The second part of the book talks about the physiological process of childbirth . It explains the connection between body and mind that is neglected in many hospitals, where unfortunately many professionals only see the body of a woman to help them expel their baby, and how this, the lack of Affection, support and empathy, can help to hinder a delivery that then does require intervention.

In other words, many problems of childbirth occur because many professionals are unable to help women to have a birth they feel capable and confident . Then the dilation is slowed or stalled and the hurries and the methods to accelerate the delivery appear, which only add more stress, more difficulties, and new solutions in the form of techniques and instruments that end up transforming a normal birth into an instrumental birth or even In a caesarean section .