Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Natural Birth Guide

I had the book almost finished when one of my acquaintances asked me for some help in the form of texts, to prepare for natural birth. I needed positive reading, a book that would give him confidence, that would give him security, and I did not hesitate for a moment.
During that time both she and her companions attended about 2,900 babies at the time of birth , and most were born in their houses (often the couples moved to live there during a season) or in the house of childbirths that had created . With a project started in 1971, Ina May explains that "my experiences as a midwife taught me that women's bodies work," and women went there to have a normal vaginal delivery because that was what happened except in one or two of Every hundred births.

In these cases, the women were transferred to the hospitals to have the delivery completed by caesarean section or with the use of an instrument, or to receive epidural analgesia so that the mother could rest a little before the expulsion. But these cases were the least, as they achieved a cesarean rate of 1.4 percent (in Spain we have spent over 20% in the United States and at the same time as the births of La Granja in the US) 32.8%). 

A first part full of normal deliveries

The first part of the book is full of stories of women giving birth there. There are very intense moments, of complicated births, with shoulder dystocias, the babies that come from the face, very big babies, a pair of obstetricians who wanted to see their baby born out of their workspace, And many more; But they are all deliveries explained by women, with their feelings and feelings, which help the reader understand births, understand birth, and even connect with the logical belief that women are fully prepared to give birth to their babies (Do you know that in many countries in Latin America cesarean rates exceed 50% because professionals say that women today are not capable of giving birth?).

 A second part full of knowledge and evidence
The second part of the book talks about the physiological process of childbirth . It explains the connection between body and mind that is neglected in many hospitals, where unfortunately many professionals only see the body of a woman to help them expel their baby, and how this, the lack of Affection, support and empathy, can help to hinder a delivery that then does require intervention.

In other words, many problems of childbirth occur because many professionals are unable to help women to have a birth they feel capable and confident . Then the dilation is slowed or stalled and the hurries and the methods to accelerate the delivery appear, which only add more stress, more difficulties, and new solutions in the form of techniques and instruments that end up transforming a normal birth into an instrumental birth or even In a caesarean section .

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