Saturday, 3 August 2013

The power supply in pregnancy: the proteins

Proteins are essential to form the bones and muscles of the fetus. Read the advice of the dietitian Diana Scatozza.

Advice of Dr. Diana Scatozza, medical Specialist in Food Science to address dietological-diet therapy in Milan. Proteins are necessary to form bone tissue, muscle mass, and in general all the supporting tissues and cells of the fetus , during the nine months should constitute about 15% of daily caloric needs. The proteins are of 2 types: animal proteins, which are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and vegetable proteins, which are found in legumes.

Meat : You can consume up to 4-6 times a week, in an amount equal to 150-200 g at a time. "They're good all kinds of meat, both white and red" specifies the dietitian  "with the sole task of choosing low fat cuts. If there are problems of iron deficiency, know that the meat that contains more than this is to horse . If you are not immune to protoplasmic , however, be careful to always cook the meat in an accurate manner, even inside. Once in a while, a portion of meat can be replaced by a ham or other meats (about 100 grams at a time), but if you're not immune to protoplasmic, remember that the only granted are the dead and ham.

Fish : An excellent alternative to meat is fish, that proteins of high biological value absolutely equivalent to those of the flesh , it also contains Omega 3 fatty essential for the development of the nervous system of the fetus. You can consume from 3 to 6 times a week, according to their tastes, in a quantity equal to 200 g at a time. Remember that the fish should be eaten cooked strictly, not for the risk toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma fish in there!), But to avoid any contamination from other bacteria, such as cholera or hepatitis. In pregnancy are perfect all kinds of fish, even those tend to be more fat, such as salmon, tuna and swordfish, but if you have digestive problems, by preference to lighter types, such as sea bass, plaice, sole, sea bream.

Eggs: They replace meat and fish very well ( 2 eggs give a protein equivalent to a slice of meat! ) because they contain proteins of high biological value, are also easily digestible. They also have another advantage, that takes up little space in the stomach: an aspect not to be overlooked especially in recent months, when the capacity of the stomach is reduced and you satisfied much sooner. If there are no cholesterol problems, you can also eat 4 eggs a week, 2 at a time. The best methods of cooking are the conquer  hard (but not overcooked!), A fried in a pan, it is important not to consume raw food for the risk of infection. And of course also limits the omelets, the most difficult to digest.

Vegetables : Contain vegetable protein, which give a protein intake of animal protein, provided they are always associated with cereals , such as pasta and bread in legumes, in fact, it lacks an essential amino acid that is found in grains, then the two types of foods complement each other. Perfect then a good plate of pasta (about 30 grams) and beans (about 200 grams of fresh beans or 50 buckets), or lentils and croutons.

Milk and cheese : It's a food category crucial not only for the protein, but especially for the ' intake of vitamin D and calcium, essential for the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus . "The need for calcium in pregnancy is very high," says Diana Scatozza, "amounting to about 1200 mg per day, equivalent to 1,200 liters of milk. Since it is difficult to drink a quantity of milk every day, to guarantee the supply of calcium daily, in addition to the morning cup of milk, add a yoghurt during the day, a scale of 50 g of parmesan cheese (or Parmesan) during one of the meals, plus another cup of milk in the evening before going to bed. The cheese may also form a second, to be alternated with meat or fish: the types are more digestible first salt, goat cheese, soft cheese, growth, smoked cheese, mozzarella cheese from cow's milk, but especially cottage cheese, very light and rich in calcium and protein. If you can consume 150-200 gr. If you do not have problems with nausea or digestive difficulties, however, there is nothing to eat even the Doggy Style or Gorgonzola  perhaps in limited quantities (about 100 g). "

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