Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Pregnant without knowing it

It can happen to carry a pregnancy up to 7 months and not notice? Yes, it can happen, especially when you are very young and do not have a great perception of their body.

Bringing a baby in her lap and not realizing it until the seventh month, when the baby decides to come to light. Could happen, especially in an age when you do not have great body awareness and a good dose of naivety and ignorance keeps away the possibility of a pregnancy after unprotected sex here is a letter from a young mother.

At 20 years old I had the classical relationship 'unlikely'. In March, I do not see the cycle, then the months to follow always: who would have thought a pregnancy when the seventh month does not have a belly, you do not vomit, no weight gain, nausea, and you do not have your period? Well, I found myself with labor pains on a Saturday night, after I had spent the whole morning at school, made ​​my task of beautiful Italian and my question of art history ... after 10 hours of labor I call my mother, I was married or betrothed. I go to the hospital and for the first two hours the diagnosis was an topic pregnancy gone bad, a sort of internal childbirth, I had a large mass of blood and had to start thinking about my death. 

It can happen to carry a pregnancy up to 7 months and not notice? "Yes, it is an occurrence in clinical practice, we found," says the prof. Quiet. "It 's easy for a 20 year old girl does not have a big perception of his body and its changes, at a young age is also likely that the cycle is still irregular , which jumps a few months, so gonorrhea may go unnoticed. So how do you tend to think, with a good dose of ingenuity, that is not enough unprotected intercourse for becoming pregnant or who may take certain precautions, such as coitus interrupts, is sufficient to avoid pregnancy.

Usually the awareness begins to arrive around the fourth to fifth month, because the menstrual delays begin to become suspicious it may be that you go in the first instance by your doctor, then the gynecologist, maybe accompanied by a friend because you do not has the courage to tell her parents.And so time passes and almost without realizing it gets late pregnancy. "

The transformations of the body but there are not so obvious
What about the transformations of the body ? "The changes are there, but in some women are not so obvious: if the girl is already a bit 'plump, a swelling of the abdomen could be mistaken for a fat, skinny, and if it is not a big mansion, fetal growth may be less pronounced and therefore do not become so obvious.
Blood loss mingle with menstruation

As for the blood loss , which the reader writes of having had regularly each month except for the first, may be due to small threatened abortion, then returned without any problem, or implantation of the embryo that occurs around the fourth week, which can result in losses small red are easily mistaken for menstruation. Moreover, many pregnant occurs in what is called the 'passing of the month': in the first 3-4 months of pregnancy, the day that was supposed to come the cycle, they say that the uterus would have to remember that menstruate and emits small losses, similar to a spotting lasting 1-2 days for this to happen it is not clear why there is no explanation from the point of endocrine view, what is certain is that it is perfectly normal, although it can conceal the reality of the facts.
Even the hospital's diagnosis is plausible
E 'therefore plausible that the girl has not noticed anything. And it is normal also the confusion of the doctors at first: having no suspicion of pregnancy - because the girl will have reported having a regular cycle - will not have been immediately made ​​an ultrasound or a gynecological examination, after which the detection of beta chg has confirmed the pregnancy in place, at first you will be thought of miscarriage or an topic pregnancy , believing it was the first few weeks of gestation. Instead, the birth was imminent and it all ended in the best way, to show that the young age of the mother has played a pivotal role in bringing a pregnancy to term happily lived without knowing it. "

Friday, 9 August 2013

Pregnancy, tricks, anti-hot

Low blood pressure, swollen feet, cramps, water retention: these are the main disorders that cause the summer heat especially when you are pregnant. Here are tips to overcome the season well.

In pregnancy, the heat is more difficult to tolerate, because hormonal changes lead to a dilation of blood vessels, even of those superficial, that increase sweating and increase the perception heat. How to fix it? Here are the tips of Luke Valsecchi, head of obstetrics at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan.

DRINK MORE ' To replace fluids lost through sweating, it is essential to drink a lot. Especially in pregnancy, when the liquids are used not only to the mother, but also to the baby (and the amniotic fluid that surrounds him). Drink plenty is also a handy tip to avoid sudden drops in pressure, to which the expectant mother can easily meet. Moral: do not wait, the thirst, but always keep a bottle of water in hand, to sip often.

EYE TO THE CRAMPS When you sweat, in addition to losing fluid, you also lose minerals, and their deficiency can cause some cramping, especially during pregnancy, when the minerals needed for the growth of the fetus. To get your fill of these substances, follow a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.Ok every now and then to energy drinks, which replenish the salts lost.

JUDGEMENT IN THE SUN WITH Avoid exposing yourself to the sun in the middle of the day: in addition to the hours when the heat is unbearable and dangerous, are also those in which the skin burns easily.In addition, during the wait there is a greater activation of the melanin, which favors the appearance of spots, especially in some areas of the face such as the cheekbones, forehead, chin (the so-called mask of pregnancy). To prevent their appearance, avoid prolonged exposure and always apply a cream with protective filter high, at least 20-30, especially on the face.

Cooled by SEA Take advantage of the early hours of the morning to take long walks on the shore, which facilitate venous return and relieve the sense of weight and swelling in the legs, which may be felt especially in recent months. Also great swims, which have a refreshing effect, tone the body and help prevent back pain and sciatica: all this without feeling the weight of the belly! Instead avoids any physical activity during the hottest hours.

WIPES IN POUCH To alleviate the feeling of the warm, keep in your bag of wet wipes, to pass on the face, throat, wrists to lower a bit 'temperature. Are also excellent spray thermal water: there are also mini-size, perfect to take with him.
Fresh garments wears garments in natural fibers and a bit 'superabundant, so as to favor the dispersion of heat. And since it is more prone to swelling in the legs, choose comfortable shoes, maybe a half size larger.
AIR CONDITIONING is of great help to relieve the sensation of heat, so in the sultry hours refugees in an area that has air conditioning. But careful not to lower the temperature too much, to avoid colds: 4-5 degrees less than the outside are more than enough.
POWER LIGHT No to fried and fatty foods, which commit too digestion, so a diet rich in fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, watermelon, melon, rich in water. It limits the consumption of salt, because it promotes water retention and accentuates the swelling.

BATHROOMS WITH RICE While pregnant you sweat more, it is also true that the sweat is less intense, because the axillary sweat glands produce less odorous secretions. However, if the sticky feeling on him bothers you, take a bath with colloidal oatmeal or rice starch (found in pharmacies but also at the supermarket), which have a slight wicking action and refreshing.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Pregnancy in the summer, 10 tips to deal with it well

Tips to combat the most typical disorders of pregnancy during the summer months: heat, swelling of the hands, or feet, fatigue and insomnia. And even on holidays and precautions on who will travel by plane. Finally super refreshing cocktail recipes and salads designed for those who are pregnant.

1) The heat? Fight it with the rice starch
Do you drink more liquids, does not export to the sun in the middle, make meals fresh and light, if you have the opportunity using the air conditioning (without lowering the temperature too though). To alleviate the feeling of warm when you're around, you can use the wet wipes. At home you can immerse yourself in the bath with colloidal oatmeal or rice starch that have a slight sicking action and refreshing. Read more tricks in the article Cheats anti-sultriness .

2) swollen feet and hands, walking and it will pass
Avoid standing for a long standing firm and avoid a sedentary lifestyle in general: that's great to do a walk every day, which stimulates the plantar pump and improves circulation. If you're at sea are excellent walks in water, preferably early in the morning or late afternoon when the sun is less and the heat is less intense. Do not expose your legs to direct sunlight. To learn more read the whole article Sos feet or legs.

3) Do you feel tired? It slows down the pace and stress
It 's time to take it with more relax. Slow down the pace of work and keep stress at bay. If you suffer from insomnia ok all strategies relaxing: does well indulge in an afternoon nap, while at night yes to all quiet activities such as reading, a walk or a bit 'of television (no movies handled though!). Read the article The tips to overcome fatigue and insomnia in pregnancy.

4) In the sun: Protect your skin with a cream, especially on the face
The first precaution is to soak up the sun gradually and in moderation , avoiding basking like a lizard. The second is to go to the beach early in the morning until 11, and then back to the beach after 16: during the middle where the sun is at peak and is more aggressive. Third rule: always protect your skin with a cream with sunscreen high, especially on the face, subject to stains. Read the article To the sun without problems.

5) Allocation of the sea, not isolated to the goals

When a pregnant woman back from a vacation at sea notta: he looks healthier, more relaxed, no peripheral edema (swelling in the legs especially) and never puts more pounds than they should, due to the presence of iodine which stimulates the metabolism and helps to keep your weight under control. And then the sea you can enjoy long walks on the shore, that your circulation, stimulate the venous return with a pleasant physical activity. It would be better to avoid goals that are too isolated and excessive sun.

6) Destination mountain, better not more than 1300-1400 m
In the mountains the air is fresh and much less humid, there is no moisture and the landscape, different from that to which we are accustomed, certainly has a calming effect. Better not to exceed 1300-1400 meters above sea level because when the altitude increases, decreases the concentration of oxygen in the air. Better to avoid it, because the system needs to collect placental much oxygen as possible from the mother.

7) By plane lifted every half hour

Here is a check list for those who is planning a trip by plane. Read the article Flying in pregnancy

  • During the flight, remember to drink. It's good for circulation
  • Try to sit in a place where you can move, then side corridor.
  • Get up often and walk a few minutes every half hour
  • When you're sitting with your toes and feet in a circular motion
  • Fasten your seat belt under the belly.

8) Have a super vitamin cocktails and refreshing

In the summer increases the demand for water and liquids. For pregnant women (but not only) the recipes for cocktails and refreshing drinks and rich in vitamins. Lassie, fresh juice of ginger and peach, banana milkshake or red fruits, carrots and fruit cocktail. 

9) Start the meal with a salad

Especially in the summer it is better that the meals are light. Why not start your meal or do a real meal with legumes, low-fat cheese flavors of the sea or in a salad?

10) Summer is the season of the sensesIf there are no medical contraindications, having sex during pregnancy is good. For at least two reasons: it is good mood of the prospective parents and preparing for childbirth because it keeps the pelvic muscles elastic and trained. And do not fear for the child if the mother is well the baby is doing well.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

The power supply in pregnancy: the proteins

Proteins are essential to form the bones and muscles of the fetus. Read the advice of the dietitian Diana Scatozza.

Advice of Dr. Diana Scatozza, medical Specialist in Food Science to address dietological-diet therapy in Milan. Proteins are necessary to form bone tissue, muscle mass, and in general all the supporting tissues and cells of the fetus , during the nine months should constitute about 15% of daily caloric needs. The proteins are of 2 types: animal proteins, which are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and vegetable proteins, which are found in legumes.

Meat : You can consume up to 4-6 times a week, in an amount equal to 150-200 g at a time. "They're good all kinds of meat, both white and red" specifies the dietitian  "with the sole task of choosing low fat cuts. If there are problems of iron deficiency, know that the meat that contains more than this is to horse . If you are not immune to protoplasmic , however, be careful to always cook the meat in an accurate manner, even inside. Once in a while, a portion of meat can be replaced by a ham or other meats (about 100 grams at a time), but if you're not immune to protoplasmic, remember that the only granted are the dead and ham.

Fish : An excellent alternative to meat is fish, that proteins of high biological value absolutely equivalent to those of the flesh , it also contains Omega 3 fatty essential for the development of the nervous system of the fetus. You can consume from 3 to 6 times a week, according to their tastes, in a quantity equal to 200 g at a time. Remember that the fish should be eaten cooked strictly, not for the risk toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma fish in there!), But to avoid any contamination from other bacteria, such as cholera or hepatitis. In pregnancy are perfect all kinds of fish, even those tend to be more fat, such as salmon, tuna and swordfish, but if you have digestive problems, by preference to lighter types, such as sea bass, plaice, sole, sea bream.

Eggs: They replace meat and fish very well ( 2 eggs give a protein equivalent to a slice of meat! ) because they contain proteins of high biological value, are also easily digestible. They also have another advantage, that takes up little space in the stomach: an aspect not to be overlooked especially in recent months, when the capacity of the stomach is reduced and you satisfied much sooner. If there are no cholesterol problems, you can also eat 4 eggs a week, 2 at a time. The best methods of cooking are the conquer  hard (but not overcooked!), A fried in a pan, it is important not to consume raw food for the risk of infection. And of course also limits the omelets, the most difficult to digest.

Vegetables : Contain vegetable protein, which give a protein intake of animal protein, provided they are always associated with cereals , such as pasta and bread in legumes, in fact, it lacks an essential amino acid that is found in grains, then the two types of foods complement each other. Perfect then a good plate of pasta (about 30 grams) and beans (about 200 grams of fresh beans or 50 buckets), or lentils and croutons.

Milk and cheese : It's a food category crucial not only for the protein, but especially for the ' intake of vitamin D and calcium, essential for the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus . "The need for calcium in pregnancy is very high," says Diana Scatozza, "amounting to about 1200 mg per day, equivalent to 1,200 liters of milk. Since it is difficult to drink a quantity of milk every day, to guarantee the supply of calcium daily, in addition to the morning cup of milk, add a yoghurt during the day, a scale of 50 g of parmesan cheese (or Parmesan) during one of the meals, plus another cup of milk in the evening before going to bed. The cheese may also form a second, to be alternated with meat or fish: the types are more digestible first salt, goat cheese, soft cheese, growth, smoked cheese, mozzarella cheese from cow's milk, but especially cottage cheese, very light and rich in calcium and protein. If you can consume 150-200 gr. If you do not have problems with nausea or digestive difficulties, however, there is nothing to eat even the Doggy Style or Gorgonzola  perhaps in limited quantities (about 100 g). "